Aniket Awate, business organisation evolution director of IEEC at Indiaplast 2019.

Industrial Electronics Equipment Corporation (IEEC) is a Mumbai-based supplier of electronic process command equipment and developer of Corona and Plasma handling systems, automation solutions, and moving ring pinning systems for BoPET films.

Displaying the latest Industry 4.0 based Corona treatment systems at their stand in Hall nine, business evolution managing director of IEEC, Aniket Awate said, "We accept launched Corona treatment systems for converting, which is compatible for difficult substrates at high line speed. We have equipped our machines with features that are compatible with Industry 4.0 because smart factories are no longer a affair of future."

Existence enlightened of the advantages Industry four.0 revolution offers, Awate shared, "The reason for launching Industry 4.0 continued devices is that nosotros will exist directly connected with our equipment installed at our customer's facility. It will give u.s. admission to equipment data, operating parameters, data logs and maintenance logs, which in plow will aid united states of america stay updated with the equipment and troubleshoot whatsoever problems our customers might be facing; we will also exist able to inform them of our service schedules."

Speaking about their experience at Indiaplast 2019, Awate said, "Indiaplast being a prestigious event receives heavy footfall and makes a practiced marketing platform for exhibitors. We have received serious advertisement inquiries and have already secured three deals for our Corona treatment systems."

IEEC is looking to attract blown film manufacturers and customers from the converting and label manufacture at their Stand up B70 in Hall nine.

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