Analyst: Sony Will Take Second by 2015


Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter predicts that Sony will push Microsoft into tertiary lay by 2015.

With the Wii firmly ensconced as the king of this propagation, it's the race for ordinal place that is the really exciting one and analyst Michael Prachter predicts that it is a race that Sony wish eventually win.

In a company report, helium wrote: "We think that the PS3 will capture evidentiary market share, primarily due to Sony's victory in the high definition DVD format war, and will end up in endorse spot by 2015. Although Microsoft's Xbox 360 enjoyed a first public mover vantage, we think that its commercialise put away wish fade to third rank due to lack of incursion in Japan."

Of course, it's no secret that Microsoft are struggling to get a foothold in Japan, a country that is traditionally Nintendo and Sony territory, but Pachter doesn't think that being relegated to third will necessarily pain Microsoft, thanks to the ubiquity of Xbox Live:

"With over 10 million members (only 1 million of whom are Xbox Live Gold members), the Netflix installed base has an inducement to purchase an Xbox 360 and to join Xbox Live," he continued. "We expect the pace of game and film downloads to increase exponentially over the next few years, and estimate that Microsoft generates over $100 million in profit annually from downloads."

"Microsoft has positioned the Xbox 360 to be an Internet and Entertainment hub in the sitting room. With the rollout of Project Natal expected in late 2010, we think that Microsoft will position itself as a centerpiece of the livelihood way. We fancy the addition of Internet television, video recording on demand, and open Internet access over the coming years, once Microsoft has distinct how best to monetise its product offering."

Pachter's predictions stool a certain amount of sense, but they are incisively that; predictions. Will Sony sort-of-make headway this round of the console war? We'll have to wait a while to find out.

Source: VG247


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